


金曜日はホスピタリティークラスの最終日。 で、プレゼン・・・でした。 緊張しまくり! でも、 今回も一番にプレゼンやってきました。 内容は、 自分の国の料理の紹介! 私の書いたレポートを、お見せします。 誰もチェックしてくれてないので、 間違ってる可能性があるんですけど・・・。 私の選んだ料理は・・・ 「揚げ出し豆腐」 Japan is a country which surrounded by the sea so we eat seafood from of old. We have a lot of kinds of the fish dishes. Moreover, Japan's water is beautiful and tasty because there are a lot of mountains and rivers. Then, special vegetables like the Wasabi grow up. And we usually eat rice with meals. Therefore, Japanese made Sushi. But I have chosen to tell you about Agedashi Tofu which does not use fishes, because some people do not like seafood. Then this dish is for vegetarian too. Tofu is made from Soy beans and we can buy Tofu in Australia. And this dish is very simple and easy to cook of Japanese foods. First let me tell what ingredients you will need, Tofu, Potato starch and oil. And for soup you will need water, dashi stock, soy sauce and mirin what is kind of alcohol. Also you will need a deep fryer, a saucepan, a pair of long chopsticks, a bowl and some paper towels. Now, how to make the dish, first prepare Tofu, drain water from Tofu and dry with paper towels. Next make the soup, put water, dashi stock, soy sauce, mirin to saucepan and bring to the boil over high heat and simmer. At the same time, put oil to fryer and heat. Then coat Tofu with Potato starch and deep fry until outside become golden color. Finally, drain oil and put into bowl then pour the soup into the bowl too. The best time to eat is immediately. Tofu is very soft and easy to break. If you make this dish, you need be careful. I usually eat this dish with alcohol when I go to a Japanese Pub. どうでしょうか? こんな低レベル??? って思った人は確実に、TAFEのメインコースに行けると思います。 頑張ってください。 ブログランキング参加中です。 (This blog participates in the blog ranking.) クリックしていただければ、嬉しいです。 (If you click, I am glad. Thank you!) にほんブログ村 海外生活ブログへ   にほんブログ村 海外生活ブログ 海外留学へ   にほんブログ村 英語ブログ 語学留学へ   にほんブログ村 海外生活ブログ オーストラリア情報へ